What exercise is right for you, gym, triathlon, Zumba, weight training, running, cycling…
Work with me and we’ll find out together.
Exercise with me
01 — My classes!
It will be a 30min HIIT class, designed to get your heart rate up, move your whole body and help you build fitness. Followed by a 15min chat with like-minded individuals to keep us feeling inspired and connected.
Who is it for?
Anyone! The more the merrier. If you are injured or have any health worries do be in touch with your GP/physio or other health specialist before you attend. That said, whilst I’ll be encouraging everybody to work hard, it’s very much within your limits, I have no expectations about what people can and can’t do. I will offer variations of an exercise and encourage you to work at a pace that feels like hard work for you.
02 — Support with your bone health
I run an Osteo Free Life. A way to help women (and men) understand and action what they need to, to treat Osteoporosis and reduce the impact it has on their future. For more, check out this page on my website.
03 — Traditional personal training
I provide face-to-face sessions that will introduce you to weight lifting, the techniques, the different exercises, how to keep yourself injury free and how to increase the intensity of workouts.
Weightlifting is as important for overall health health as cardio is. The bone density and muscle strength gained will keep you moving into later life and reduce the risk of accidental trips and falls.
Weightlifting has a positive impact on everyday mental health too. Boosting self-esteem and confidence from gaining a new skill. It provides an escapism from the general stresses and strains of life and gives you renewed capacity to handle your life from a positive perspective.
And online personal training - support and advice. I write you a four week program and support you with weekly catch up calls to help you stay on top of your progress and give you hints and tips to get over the little challenges you come across along the way. I can be the sounding board for your exercise plans and be the one person, other than you, that really cares about your progress and how you’re getting on.
Find what your body can do and be proud of it.
With great power comes great responsibility ;)