Taskmaster Fitness Rehab

As an experienced Level 3 Personal Trainer, I honed my craft at a Nuffield Health gym. Here I had the training and opportunity to work with those recovering from MSK injuries and operations. The experience has been invaluable and cemented my joy at working with people for their health.


I am a real person!

I work with individuals for 12 weeks initially.

I follow a 4 step plan.

  1. Initial consultation, review of referral notes and global movement screening

  2. Write initial weekly training schedule including structured and unstructured exercise

  3. Review load and intensity of schedule, update and progress where appropriate

  4. Final review and progressions

For the health professional.

Those I have worked with or have seen my work in action

Vicky Bassett - deputy lead physio at Samson Centre for MS

Jay Flitter - physio

Sara McGowan - lead physio at Samson Centre for MS

Laura Stocks - senior physio, Nuffield Health

“I have referred several clients to Rachel as they completed their physiotherapy treatment and returned to their baseline function, however, they still required ongoing exercise rehabilitation to make long term lifestyle changes.

My patients needed gradual loading, graded exposure to high end activity with bespoke exercise programs.

All the patients I have sent to Rachel have continued to progress; they are stronger, healthier and more resilient. I am confident they will continue to be injury free no matter what challenges they choose to participate in”

Gemma Ware - osteopath

For the individual.

Clients who recommend me

Jane Forster - osteoarthritis

Sally Marriage - osteopotosis

“I have been training with Rachel for over three years. She is a delight to train with - our weekly workouts are varied, challenging and fun. Rachel has given me the encouragement and confidence to build up my physical strength and overall fitness. Which has become extremely important to me since being diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Pam Piddington - osteoporosis

“Since working with Rachel I am very much stronger in what I can lift and carry now. I work on balance with Rachel too, which I am much improved in and is very important as one gets older. Rachel makes the program interesting too.”

Valerie Terry - osteoarthritis and lymphoedema